
Kevin Bennett headshot
Kevin Bennett, PhD
Kevin Bennett, PhD
Michele Stanek headshot
Michele Stanek, MHS
Michele Stanek, MHS
Associate Director
Megan Weis
Megan Weis, DrPH, MPH, MCHES
Megan Weis, DrPH, MPH, MCHES
Director of Connecting Communities
Patricia Witherspoon headshot
Patricia Witherspoon, MD
Patricia Witherspoon, MD
Medical Director
Songyuan Deng, PhD
Songyuan Deng, PhD
Research Associate
Samantha Smith Headshot
Samantha Smith
Samantha Smith
Operations Manager
Alanti McGill headshot
Alanti McGill, MPH
Alanti McGill, MPH
Program Manager
Andrea Mitchell Headshot
Andrea Mitchell, MPH
Andrea Mitchell, MPH
Program Manager
Samantha Renaud headshot
Samantha Renaud, MA
Samantha Renaud, MA
Research Project Manager
Cassandra Pope
Cassandra Pope
Strategic Workforce and Training Manager
Samantha Slinkard-Barnum, MPH
Samantha Slinkard-Barnum, MPH
Rural Research Coordinator
Jamie Metz
Jamie Metz
Communications Coordinator
Alexia Hopkins
Alexia Hopkins
Program Assistant
Ja'Curas McCloud
Ja'Curas McCloud
Data Scientist
Justice Groomes
Justice Groomes
Fiscal Operations Analyst