A user-directed, interactive tool, utilizing existing data related to provider distribution, health care facility locations, disease burden, and health care utilization patterns across the state.
Access demographic and economic data from the U.S. Census Bureau. This application allows you to view premade profiles as well as create dynamic tables and maps.
Simple web-based tool to present multiple public data sources with county level maps of key indicators and infographics. Includes household, employment, finance, and health data.
This tool highlights key data sources, websites, and articles about the social determinants of health.
User-friendly application used to view and compare state and county data from DHEC and other sources. Data is displayed in maps, tables, snapshots, and graphs.
Dashboard developed by the State of SC that helps tell the story of the state’s revitalization efforts, highlighting progress made in various business sectors.
This web-based service allows you to locate the census or election district for any address in the state. Additionally, it also returns population data for geographic boundaries relevant to the address.
County Health Rankings measures the health of nearly all counties in the nation and ranks them within states. Data is available on affordable housing, education, and more.
An interactive COVID-19 Dashboard that includes 5 interactive data pages to view data that’s specific to each SC county.
State and county maps map showing areas of need and the type and speed of the best technology available in each area.
Rural Information
This story map contains interactive web maps, information, and images to help explain how the Census. Bureau defines “rural.”
Simple tool to determine whether your specific location is considered rural based on various definitions of rural, including definitions that are used as eligibility criteria for federal programs.
Widget to compare South Carolina's Urban Areas as defined by the Census Bureau in 2010 and 2020; link to the CRPH developed white paper with additional information on the impact on the Census definition change on South Carolina communities.
Rural Programs
Find programs supported by the SC Office of Rural Health to improve health outcomes and social challenges.
Find programs supported by the SC Hospital Association that aim to make a difference in areas like nutrition, housing, physical activity, education and more.
The CARES program connects you with a professional who can guide you through the available sexual health resources in your area, confidentially.
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