The South Carolina Center for Rural and Primary Healthcare (CRPH) supports the resiliency of rural communities in South Carolina; however, CRPH also recognizes the health challenges faced by rural and underserved populations in our state. In an effort to support communities addressing these challenges and building upon promising or successful programs, CRPH has established a funding opportunity to engage community partners to build capacity and more resilient systems that better serve rural and underserved groups.
The Connecting Communities to Care Program seeks to support community health improvement programs that connect people to health-related and healthcare services. CRPH is interested in programs that identify and implement community-driven solutions and best practices that can be adopted by other rural communities, expanded into a larger context, and/or inform public policy. We encourage the submission of varied proposals to improve health in rural communities. Proposals that are led by, or have an established relationship with, organizations based in rural communities will receive priority for funding. We seek applications that have clearly defined objectives, results-oriented activities, appropriate evaluation measures, and meaningful health outcomes.
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Award Information
The Center expects to award 4- 6 proposals. Up to $800,000 will be distributed via this cooperative agreement. Programs may be up to two years, with total costs up to $200,000 for the total project period. The Center also welcomes submissions for pilot programs that are smaller in scope, budget amount, and/or time duration.
What We Fund
We fund direct costs only to include:
- Staff salary and fringe
- Supplies and a limited amount of equipment vital to the project (equipment must be specifically requested and justified)
- Project-related travel
- Advertising and outreach related to grant-supported services
What We Do Not Fund
- Projects centered on one-touch events (health fairs, conferences, etc.)
- Programs or activities that solely target non-rural populations
- Capital projects or funds for facilities
- Indirect/overhead costs
- Salaries for personnel not directly involved with the project
- Medical care costs
- Research projects
Important Dates
August 31, 2023
Online application is available via Submittable
November 1, 2023
Online application due by 5:00 p.m.
Late November 2023
Finalists notified
January 1, 2024
Projects begin